Saturday, March 18, 2023

Don't Ever Bet On The Big Ten: The Block Pool Day 2 Results

I really have nothing smart to say about yesterday's action in the tournament. As usual, the first round produced a good amount of drama and surprises, but in the end we still have a lot of "blue bloods" hanging around. You might ask about Purdue losing in the worst tournament upset ever but if you know me, you know that I have never thought much of the Big Ten in this tournament (or at all). Afterall, its most recent national championship belongs to a team that was in the ACC when they won it and that happened 20 years ago. 

In other words, I have no faith in the Big Ten teams and you shouldn't either. Just set your money on fire if you are betting there. It is faster. Seriously, that slow, lumbering team with horrible guard play won a major conference? Seriously?

Anyway, the small money games are done, and Steve Hofmann continues to rack up wins. Also, a nice birthday gift for Adam Miller yesterday as he won two games. His wife Lindsey Parobek won one also. Actually, it was a good day for couples overall as Justin and Christy Nielson also won games. With that, here are yesterdays winners.

On to Round 2. Good luck everyone!

Your commissioner.

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